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Results for: 'Maple Sap'

Who were the first sugar makers? Many believe native Americans were the first to collect sugar from maple trees in North America. In fact, it was probably squirrels. Squirrels have been observed collecting encrusted sugar from the end twigs they n...

Vermont produces more maple syrup than any US state. According to statistics from the USDA, Vermont made over 2.2 million gallons of syrup in 2020. The crop is made by sugar makers with operations of all sizes. The average size of operation in Ver...

Interview of Peter Cooper-Ellis, owner of Hidden Springs Maple
Interview of Peter Cooper-Ellis, owner of Hidden Springs Maple

Safely Selling Local Food at Farm Stands and CSAs during COVID-19, 5/6/20 Webinar (audio only)
Demand for local food is surging, and many Vermont farms are heeding the call to feed their communities. They have adapted time and again to the evolving COVID-19 situation to ensure the safety of their food, customers, employees, and farms. TheyĆ¢...