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Results for: 'early career researcher'


How to Help Prepare for an Interview

By: career

This short video will give you some tips and guidelines for helping a job seeker prepare for an interview.


Getting Started on UVM Connect

By: career

This short video will tell you how to set up your profile and join groups before reaching out to alums.


Finding Alums on UVM Connect

By: career

This short video shows you how to use key words and filters to find alums on UVM Connect.


Finding and Saving a Job or Internship on Handshake

By: career

This 3-minute video explains how to find and save a job or internship on Handshake.


Fridy Ski Club

By: waw

Early years of home grown ski flic


2003-12-08 MRG The Day After

By: waw

Early season heavy snow still looking good


2005-10-xx October hike and ski

By: waw

Early October snow provided sufficient base to ski the Goat (October 26) and Liftline (Oct 30) at Mansfield. Stan Scott Wes Jim Kris


Traditional Collection Methods

By: uvmext

Traditional methods of sap collection have changed over time. Initially, Native Americans created gashes in the stem, and directed sap into wooden or bark vessels. Early spouts were created by hollowing out small twigs, which were inserted into ta...


Saddled Prominent

By: uvmext

Maple trees managed for sap production remain part of a forest ecosystem. Forest ecosystems are complex communities of plants, animals and microbes all interacting with their physical environment and climate. Forests are especially competitive env...