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Results for: 'basic science'


Studying Abroad as an HCOL Student

By: sclark3

Screencast presentation meant to help HCOL students plan the timing of a semester abroad around their pre-thesis requirements. Also provides a very basic overview of the study abroad planning process, as well as some ideas for seeking out funding ...


Planon Access and Navigation

By: mrichard

Basic access and navigation in Planon


Experimental Gaming Research: talk by Scott Merrill, PhD

By: smoegenb

Talk given to Plant and Soil Science Department on March 25, 2016.


Welcome to Module 1

By: 92csicca

Welcome to the first module of the UVM Cannabis in Science and Medicine certificate program.


Welcome to Module 4

By: 92csicca

Welcome to Module 4 of the Cannabis Science and Medicine Program.


Welcome to Module 6

By: 92csicca

Welcome to Module 6 for the Cannabis Science and Medicine Certificate program at the University of Vermont.


Welcome to Module 7

By: 92csicca

Welcome to Module 7 of the Cannabis Science and Medicine Program.


Sture Hansson: University of Vermont Marsh Professor Lecture The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: On Algal Blooms in the Baltic Sea

By: presdent

Blue-green algal blooms are common in the Baltic Sea as well as in many lakes, and they are often seen as a nuisance and an indication of environmental degradation. But because something is ugly does not necessarily mean that it's also bad. Can cy...


Weekly Rites #7 - Zoey November

By: znovembe

This week, I decided to take inspiration from a new source - a chemistry lecture! I had a lot of fun with it. Sometimes I tried to express very literally what the lecturer was explaining, and other times I simply allowed the auditory input to info...