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Results for: 'Our Common Ground'


Beyoncé and Behavioral Economics

By: efpope

Today Beyoncé is our tour guide through the basic principles of behavioral economics and health behaviors.


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Signal Moves (Pt 2)

By: aloven

This video is captioned. In Part Two of our three-part series,"Signal Moves," we discuss this tool for creating a research story. This video goes over what signal moves are, what kinds of writing they can be useful for, and additional resources.


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Mentor Texts (Pt 3)

By: aloven

This video is captioned. In part three of our three-part series, we will go over how to use a mentor text as an example for how to structure your own work.


Continence Visual Supports

By: jnauheim

This video reviews easy to make visual supports families can use during toileting and instructions on how to make them. The Continence Project believes the mastery of toileting skills promotes inclusion at home, school, and in the community. We be...


RG-ILC L4DC presentation

By: hossareh

This is the video presentation of our paper for the 2020 L4DC conference, which has gone remote due to the travel restrictions.


The One About Water-Soluble Vitamins

By: efpope

Today we talk about the water-soluble vitamins, vitamins B and C! What makes them special, how are they helpful to our bodies, where can you find them? We talk it all through with some Beyoncé tie-ins in this video! Vitamin C -1:34 The B Vi...