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Results for: 'Our Common Ground'


CAS - Intro to DEI

By: vcbrown

Introduction to UVM's "Our Common Ground" statement and its relationship to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at UVM.


Ground Truthing Forest Change in Working Forests of the US Northeast

By: vmc

This was presented by Madeleine Desrochers as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Remote monitoring tools ar...


The Hunting Ground

By: smairold

The Hunting Ground cced


Deco Drive 2001

By: waw

Dear Belkys and Lynn: Help! We live in the small town of Starksboro, VT, population 1700 or so. We still have one of them old timey giant C-Band satellite dishes in our backyard. It brings us FOX TV via WSVN Miami. More importantly, it br...


Traditional Collection Methods

By: uvmext

Traditional methods of sap collection have changed over time. Initially, Native Americans created gashes in the stem, and directed sap into wooden or bark vessels. Early spouts were created by hollowing out small twigs, which were inserted into ta...


Herbicide and Conservation Agriculture #2: Communicating to the public about the pros/cons of herbicides in our cropping systems and the role they play in sustainable agriculture.

By: kworkman

Dr. Terence Bradshaw, Assistant Professor Specialty Crops Production and Director of the Horticulture Research & Education Center, University of Vermont Communicating to the public about the pros/cons of herbicides in our cropping systems and the...


NFS 274 Common Roots Presentation - Zoe Dumais

By: zdumais

Here is my audio for my Common Roots practicum


Life Cycle Nutrition Podcast

By: bebarrow

For our podcast we wanted to talk exactly about that. Growth. What facilitates growth? Is it physical activity that causes children to sprout out of the ground like a beanstalk shooting for the sky? Or is it nutrition that produces the ideal envir...


Group 10 Podcast - Infact Nutrition Myths

By: cdrane

In our podcast, we explore the prevalent fear-mongering that exists surrounding infant feeding practices. We investigate the ways marketing tactics capitalize on parental anxieties, pushing them toward an idealized, black-and-white perception of b...