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Results for: 'Instructional Video'


Introduction to the Lab

By: tpritcha

This video introduces the lab space as well as what is expected of you as you begin each in lab experiment.


Lab Safety Equipment

By: tpritcha

Video of lab safety equipment


truth table calculation PHIL 013AB

By: mcweiner

An eight-minute video about how to calculate a truth table for a complex statement.


3.1 Conditional Statements

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont Supplement video for Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition


3.2 Relational Operators

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont Supplement video for Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition


3.3 Logical Operators

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont Supplement video for Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition


truth table applications PHIL 013AB

By: mcweiner

An eleven-minute video on the things you can do with truth-tables. Covers tautology/contradiction/contingent, implication and equivalence, and argument validity.