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Results for: 'high-level overview'


CDAE 157: Contracts

By: rkriger

Contract law overview for CDAE 157, Consumer Law & Policy


Sound (Teaching) Bite: Why Active Learning Works (9/23/19)

By: ctl

Dr. Annie Murray-Close provides a quick overview of the literature about active learning, with concrete examples for small changes that can have positive impacts on students' attention and retention.


Getting Started with Online Sales (Audio Only)

By: clherric

s essential businesses, how are farms adapting to the evolving COVID-19 situation with no-contact direct sales, restaurant closures, and farmers markets in flux? Vermont is fortunate to have creative farmers leading the way. In this conversation m...


Glass of Water Counting Device

By: bmonarca

This video is an overview of a device that counts the glasses of water someone drinks per day. It was made for the EE001 final project for the Spring 2020 semester.


NR 104 Cape Wind Case Study Part 1 - Spring 2020

By: cginger

This is a screen cast with an overview of materials for Cape Wind Case Study Part 1.


LAT 001 Lab 1

By: mcmcinti

English Grammar for Students of Latin: -Distinction between nouns and verbs: nouns decline, verbs conjugate -Cases, Declensions, and Conjugations overview -Subject and Object


Faculty Focus: Jenn Karson on Maker Spaces on Campus

By: jadickin

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learning Community Faculty member Jenn Karson, director of the Engineering "FabLab" and faculty member in Studio Art gives an overview of on campus and local maker spaces.


Pedagogical Sound Bite: The Power of Transparent Assignment Design

By: ctl

This workshop presents an overview of Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (TILT), an award-winning, scholarly project focused on improving students' learning experiences.  Evidence from a national study shows that when facul...


Technological Sound Bite: Flipgrid Overview

By: ctl

Flipgrid, a video-based, asynchronous discussion tool, is available for free as part of UVM's Microsoft Office 365 suite. Instructors set up prompts and parameters for student videos (including length limits of 15sec to 10min). Students respond to...