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Results for: 'class'

Barley to Enzymes on Front Board 10/08
This is a short video that discusses the materials that were on the front of the class room on Oct 08. The flow shows the barley seed out to the enzymes responsible for breakdown of the CHO's in the barley seed.

Pedagogical Workshop: Community Building in a Pandemic
This workshop presents an overview of strategies to build community in an online teaching environment. Whether you are teaching a fully online class, remote, or mixed, we will discuss simple ways to make the most of the technologies available to y...

Active Learning in Remote Synchronous Classes
Remote synchronous teaching and learning is here to stay, for at least one more semester. In this session, we’ll use a holistic view of active learning* to frame student engagement and promote deep learning. You’ll be asked to identify at least on...

Anxiety and Adversity from the Coronavirus: COMU 123 Final Presentation
This is my final presentation for my COMU 123 class.

Motivators for Convalescent Plasma Donors during the COVID-19 Pandemic
LCOM Class of 2024 American Red Cross Public Health Project by Assoumou B, Bales N, Chang A, Cook H, Heredia K, Fischer C, Plochoki A, Lamping J, Fung M.