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Results for: 'Tree health'


Poison Ivy

By: mmcdonal

Tree Literacy Module



By: uvmext

The sugaring season has been over for a while. Maple trees ended their annual period of dormancy when their winter buds broke, allowing new leaves to emerge. These lush green leaves are now working to produce all the energy needed for the tree to ...


The First Sugarmakers

By: uvmext

Who were the first sugar makers? Many believe native Americans were the first to collect sugar from maple trees in North America. In fact, it was probably squirrels. Squirrels have been observed collecting encrusted sugar from the end twigs they n...



By: uvmext

Sap flows out of trees due to the difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the tree. In the 1950s, maple researchers and producers found that adding vacuum pumps to tubing systems could increase this pressure differential and there...



By: uvmext

Although sap is still collected by some maple producers in buckets or plastic bags, the majority of maple sap is currently collected using plastic spouts and a network of tubing lines. The standard tubing used for the lines that run from tree to t...


Why Does Sap Flow?

By: uvmext

Why Does Sap Flow from Maple Trees? Throughout the maple region, there are several weeks of alternating freeze and thaw temperatures each spring. This weather provides the right conditions for sap flow in maple. Unlike most trees, maples have tiny...


Vacuum and Wounding

By: uvmext

A modern maple operation relies on a tubing system with vacuum to maximize sap production. The innovation of plastic tubing originally came as a labor-saving device and not to increase sap yield from individual trees. As the materials used to prod...


Vacuum and Sap Minerals

By: uvmext

A modern maple operation relies on a tubing system with vacuum to maximize sap production. The innovation of plastic tubing originally came as a labor-saving device and not to increase sap yield from individual trees. As the materials used to prod...


Shade Tolerance 1

By: uvmext

All green plants, which includes trees, need sunlight to produce energy for survival. Some trees can satisfy their basic needs with less light than others. Sugar and red maples are two examples of such trees. They are both considered shade-toleran...