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Results for: 'Public Health Project'


EE001 Final Project - Motion Detector for Lights

By: jsaunder

My final lab project for EE001 - a circuit to allow a lightbulb to be turned on by a pair of switches or a motion detector. TinkerCad link: Yes, I know the "void" in void setu...


PHYS021: Term Project - Raw Video

By: jspiegle

This upload contains the raw video used for my analysis of position. velocity, and acceleration data. This is the final take for my term project. The slow-motion section was filmed at 240 fps in HD. The rest of the video is filmed at 120 fps in HD...


MDG 3.7: Reproductive Health

By: slucy

Public Health 308 MDG Assignment


VT public libraries and endowments during the pandemic

By: gdeziel

Vermont public libraries with endowments has reason for concern; investments have fallen in value, and income from endowments will be impacted. Learn about how this may recession may affect your library's endowment, and a little bit about how endo...


Herbicide and Conservation Agriculture #2: Communicating to the public about the pros/cons of herbicides in our cropping systems and the role they play in sustainable agriculture.

By: kworkman

Dr. Terence Bradshaw, Assistant Professor Specialty Crops Production and Director of the Horticulture Research & Education Center, University of Vermont Communicating to the public about the pros/cons of herbicides in our cropping systems and the...


Urban Tree Inventory Tools and the Road to Healthy Tree Canopy Cover

By: vmc

This was presented by Joanne Garton as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Updates to the Vermont Municipal ...


HDFS 161 Episode 20 Develecological Health Proposal

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton Describes the process of develecological analysis and elaborates on an example proposing ecosystem changes to increase the health of a community.


Public Media and Capitalism

By: ohurd

Video for EC011: Public Media and Capitalism


Adapted Physical Activity Applied Final Project

By: jpowers2

This is my final project for my Adapted Physical Activity class.