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Results for: 'Policy change'

CDCI Communications Fall Retreat update
A screencast version of the Communications update for the CDCI Fall 2022 retreat. All about our Communications annual priorities, new Communications Guide, and new (draft) Accessibility Policy.

Urban Tree Inventory Tools and the Road to Healthy Tree Canopy Cover
This was presented by Joanne Garton as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Updates to the Vermont Municipal ...

Movement is observed, copied, and passed on. It is learned, challenged, and changed by each generation. We are born movers and we are changed by the movement we make and the movement we see. Watching children move changes the way that I see moveme...

David Barlow's research on conceptualization and treatment of disorders of emotion, particularly anxiety has revolutionized psychological interventions

Cultural Responses to Economic Change in the Maple Industry
Presentation by Michael Lange, Associate Professor, Champlain College. Plenary Talk at the 2017 Vermont Maple Conference, recorded January 2017.

Lecture on change attitudes towards natural world and on work of Alexander Humboldt.

How to Edit the UVM Libraries Link in Blackboard
This video will show you how to change the default "UVM Libraries" link in Blackboard from Howe Library to Dana Library.

In this podcast I'm going to be taking about how climate change is affecting corals and what can we do to save them.