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Results for: 'relational logic'

negation proof rules PHIL013AB
A video on rules for proofs with complex negations, like ~(P & Q), ~(P v Q), and ~(P -> Q).

spontaneous show proofs PHIL013AB
A video on how to do proofs where you write down SHOW statements that don't come from specific derivation rules.

introduction to predicate proofs PHIL013AB
A video introducing predicate proofs and the first two predicate proof rules, AO and EI.

universal derivation PHIL013AB
A video on the Universal Derivation rule for predicate proofs, a rule for doing proofs where the SHOW line begins with Ax.

negated quantifier proofs PHIL013AB
A video on how to do proofs with negated quantifiers. Introduces two new rules, ~AO and ~EO, and discusses how to do proofs where you need to SHOW negated quantifiers (you have to do ID).