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Results for: 'food borne illness'


Interview with Calley Hastings

By: uvmext

Interview with Calley Hastings


Interview with Don Holly, Director of Technical Services at Rhino Foods in South Burlington, VT

By: uvmext

Interview with Don Holly, Director of Technical Services at Rhino Foods in South Burlington, VT


Adam and Bushell, SQF practitioner at NPC Processing, Shelburne, VT

By: uvmext

Adam and Bushell, SQF practitioner at NPC Processing, Shelburne, VT


Cyndi Harron, owner of Simpson & Vail, Inc., Brookfield, CT

By: uvmext

Cyndi Harron, owner of Simpson & Vail, Inc., Brookfield, CT


Food Labeling 3

By: nrose1

Chile's front of package warning labels


Food Insecurity in the COVID-19 Era

By: sgkendri

Analysis of Vermonters' perceptions surrounding food security during COVID-19 as measured by a survey distributed by VT United Way agencies in October 2020.


​Creating Virtual Farm and Food Experiences

By: rcbartle

​​Whether it's farm tours or private tastings, we are all figuring out new ways to connect digitally with customers and colleagues. During this period of limited travel, farm and food businesses around the world are experimenting with innovati...


Agritourism and Racial Justice in the US

By: rcbartle

This gathering is focused on the role of agritourism within the racial justice movement in the United States. Panelists from both urban and rural perspectives will discuss the potential for farm-based education and sales of local products to serve...


Chapter 4 Introduction and Preventing Cross Contamination of Foods

By: tpritcha

This video introduces concept of flow of food. The idea of cross contamination prevention is introduced.