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Results for: 'MD | Paradigm Shifts in the Understanding and Management of Migraine'
De-fogging the Eurocentric Lens: Okinawa and Gujarat Food Patterns; Part 2
Each video provides a brief description of the cultural food practices of Gujarat, India and Okinawa, Japan. By the end of the videos, you'll have an increased understanding of traditional food patterns, dietary assessment of common foods, challen...
HDFS 161 Episode 10 Developing White Identity
Professor Shelton applies develecology to his own experience growing up in America, to illuminate the development and nature of white identity, and then to suggest approaches to understanding and reducing racism.
Group 10 Podcast - Infact Nutrition Myths
In our podcast, we explore the prevalent fear-mongering that exists surrounding infant feeding practices. We investigate the ways marketing tactics capitalize on parental anxieties, pushing them toward an idealized, black-and-white perception of b...
Multi-criteria Decision Analysis
This video covers an example of the use of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to evaluate different decision alternatives related to sustainable forest management. The example comes from a study of forest management in Finland by Mustajoki et...
RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Dr. Mysha Clarke
For the second installment of the 2020 RSENR Fall Seminar Series featuring early career researchers, Dr. Mysha Clarke gave a presentation entitled "Using protection motivation theory to understand invasive plant management on family forestlands".
Working Session: Assessing the Potential of a Management Toolbox for Northeastern Alpine Ecosystems
This was a working session led by Jordon Tourville as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.
Climate-friendly Forest Management on AMC's Maine Woods Initiative
This was a contributed talk by David Publicover as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.
Creating a Model for Fire Management Monitoring in Dry Oak Habitats
This was a contributed talk by Ryan Rebozo as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.