Results for: '2'
Slide 6 - CesA 2 and 6 not so severe
By: plintilh
2 & 6 not severe
Slide 12 - Packaging synthase complexes
Slide 12b moving CSC to membrane on actin
moving on actin
Slide 12c - recycling & storing csc
Slide 20 - Korrigan protein with CSCs
Korrigan 1
Slide 21 - Korrigan is a primer remover
Korrigan 2
Slide 22 - CSLD genes for tip growth
csld tip growth
Slide 23 - swapping pieces of protein to localize function
swapping pieces
Weekly Rites 3
By: jpowers2
What happens when Jen gets left home alone....people watcher? Stay tuned