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Results for: 'Business Idea Pitch'

I want to dance with the light but you cannot see me with light open. I think that is a cool idea though.

Most people know that to make maple syrup you have to do a lot of boiling. You collect the sap from the trees and you evaporator the water while concentrating the sugars. You might not know that to determine if you actually have correct density sy...

Chapter 4 Introduction and Preventing Cross Contamination of Foods
This video introduces concept of flow of food. The idea of cross contamination prevention is introduced.

Chapter 4 Temperature Abuse and Temperature Monitoring Part 1
This video introduces the idea of temperature abuse, the temperature danger zone and different means by which to check and monitor temperatures.

Lantigua: Antibiotic Resistance Podcast
Who will I want the audience to be? I want the audience to be people who enjoy learning about the mysteries of the world but may not have a degree in science. I love listening to all kinds of podcasts and how they can highlight and teach about...

Regeneration Dynamics in Northeastern Pitch Pine Barrens Under Different of Restoration Scenarios
This was a contributed talk by Kathleen Stutzman as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.