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Results for: 'health and wellness coaching'


Public Space and Inequality: The Waterfront

By: ljhaywar

Video Project for Econ 11 from Lilly Hayward, Emma Carr, Jose Modeste and Henry von Hagke


Finding Grades and Feedback in Blackboard

By: ctl

This (silent) video shows students how to locate grades and feedback in Blackboard.


Grading Assignments in Blackboard

By: ctl

This video is for instructors and TAs using Blackboard's Assignment Tool


Guide to Job Interviews - Career Boost Workshop

By: career

This workshop details strategies before, during and after a job interview. Common questions and how to answer them are also covered.


Zach Klein and Julia Coleman FMS Final Project

By: zeklein

Zach Klein and Julia Coleman Functional Movement Screening Final Project for EXSC268.


2004-xx-xx BONUS CLIPS

By: waw

This and that bits and pieces


2005-10-xx October hike and ski

By: waw

Early October snow provided sufficient base to ski the Goat (October 26) and Liftline (Oct 30) at Mansfield. Stan Scott Wes Jim Kris


Mass Incarceration: Policy Change

By: jwillia4

This video is for our D1 class on Mass incarceration and it covers a topic about a policy change in sentencing and homelessness.