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Results for: 'Law and Ethics'


Nutrient Forms: Barley vs Yeast Desired

By: tpritcha

This video identifies the form the CHO and Proteins are in within the barley kernel and then what the form is that the yeast need. Diastatic Power is introduced.


Preparation, Steeping and Introduction to Germination

By: tpritcha

This is a discussion of evaluation/preparation of the malts, the steeping process and an introduction to the germination chambers which will be used.


University of Vermont MS in Dietetics Open House - October 12

By: dnotte

In this 1-hour live virtual open house, you will meet the UVM MSD Program Director and recent program graduates. Join us to learn about the MSD community focus on practice through the lens of a sustainable food system, graduate courses to fulfill ...


predicates and constants PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A short video on predicate logic, introducing constants and predicate letters.


only and categorical compounds

By: mcweiner

A video on how to translate categorical statements with "only" in them, and compounds of categorical statements.


Faculty Panel: Civic Learning (CL) as a Creative Adaptation to COVID

By: smunkres

Three faculty members discuss their recent Civic Learning (CL) courses, as a response to teaching in the pandemic, exploring challenges and surprising benefits for themselves and their students.


Violence and Culture

By: lvivanco

Perspectives on violence and culture in anthropology.


introduction to predicate proofs PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A video introducing predicate proofs and the first two predicate proof rules, AO and EI.