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Results for: 'Upwelling and El Nino Southern Oscillation'
Professor Shelton discusses the macrosystem beliefs and values underlying several current social issues, including racism, police reform, universal health care, and opioid misuse.
060 asst 2: interference, beats, difference tones
An introduction to beats and difference tones, and to the sound d editing program Audacity
truth table applications PHIL 013AB
An eleven-minute video on the things you can do with truth-tables. Covers tautology/contradiction/contingent, implication and equivalence, and argument validity.
The Baby's Dinner: Lumieres Remake
This is my remake of The Lumiere Brothers' film "The Baby's Meal" from 1895. This project was done for Classical Cinema with Professor Sean Witters. The film stars Abbie Kopelowitz and Meghan Hessler and was directed by Sophie Wolfe. The film also...
Industrial Revolution and Beer Production
This video looks at the contributions of James Watt (steam engine), Carl von Linde (Refrigeration) as well as the work of Louis Pasteur and Christian Hansen.
This is a brief discussion of oxygen groupings and how genetics influence what a cell can actually do.
Performing the Simple and the Gram Stain
This goes over both the simple stain and the Gram staining procedures
HDFS 161 Episode 7 Diversities & Ecosystems
Professor Shelton applies develecology to understand the effects of poverty, racism, and residential segregation on children and their development.