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multiple quantifier translations PHIL013
A video on relational translations that involve more than one quantifier.

HDFS 060 Episode 27 Families & Macrosystems
Professor Shelton discusses changes in macrosystems and the processes of adaptation families experience when their macrosystems change or when they move from one macrosystem to another.

Introduction to Video on White Identity
Professor Shelton provides some context for the video, as an example of using develecology to understand one's own development.

NFS 274 Wake Robin Presentation - Zoe Dumais
Here is my audio for my Wake Robin practicum experience.

Herbicide and Conservation Agriculture #1: Glyphosate & Atrazine
Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State University Extension Weed scientist presents Glyphosate & Atrazine basics…how do they work, what are their benefits and risks, management factors to reduce risks to the environment and human health, considerations f...

Ellis Animal Communication Podcast
Animal communication podcast, coral reefs noise pollution & climate change