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Results for: 'homework video'


listening report2

By: ywang75

listening report2


Doing Your Homework: Finding the Right Funding

By: ktoksu

Topics covered include: creating a funding "roadmap"; finding funding opportunities; analyzing a funding agency; assessing the competition; identifying emerging priorities or areas of interest; and when/how to approach a program officer.


NR 104 Cape Wind Case Study Part 1 - Spring 2020

By: cginger

This is a screen cast with an overview of materials for Cape Wind Case Study Part 1.


Emmett Fay

By: ejfay

Group 3 Module 3 Discussion


NSCI 195 Elevator Pitch

By: jmcdona4

NSCI 195 Elevator Pitch: career fair where there is a member of a research lab I have interest in joining


Weekly Rites #9 Briana Leger

By: bleger

Adventures in piano-ing part 2. I made this video pretty similar to my previous piano video: a clip of set rehearsed music, and some improvisation. I tried to be more lenient in my editing of the improvisation. In the first video, I was very wo...


Embed streaming video in blog post

By: waw

Silent movie illustrating steps to embed a video from this server in a blog post on


PHYS021: Term Project - Raw Video

By: jspiegle

This upload contains the raw video used for my analysis of position. velocity, and acceleration data. This is the final take for my term project. The slow-motion section was filmed at 240 fps in HD. The rest of the video is filmed at 120 fps in HD...


PHYS011Lab: Video

By: mmzielin

This is the video for the video analysis portion for the final project