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Results for: 'RSA'
Professor Shelton discusses the macrosystem beliefs and values underlying several current social issues, including racism, police reform, universal health care, and opioid misuse.
universal derivation PHIL013AB
A video on the Universal Derivation rule for predicate proofs, a rule for doing proofs where the SHOW line begins with Ax.
Indigenous & Tribal Perspectives on Agritourism
Celebrating sovereignty and demonstrating the uniqueness of all tribes, this conversation seeks to broaden understanding of indigenous-led agritourism initiatives with a focus on the unity of human and ecological communities. Presentations will ex...
Current Speech Event Report on Conversations on Community Engagement: Addressing Health Disparities presentation by Dr. Olugbenga Ogedegbe. Sponsored by the University of Rochester.
HumaniTEAs Time: Conversations with Scholars - Luis Vivanco
First session of the HumaniTEAs Time: Conversations with Scholars series, featuring Prof. Luis Vivanco (Anthropology; Humanities Center) and Prof. Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst (Religion; Humanities Center)
Universal Design for Learning Workshop Extracts
This workshop, taught by Holly Parker, focuses on the concepts of Universal Design for Learning and how to apply them in teaching.
Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is often recognized as a universal saying. However, do we really know the effects the first things we are eating have on the rest of our day? We discuss the importance of eating breakfast and how ...