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Results for: 'Instructional Video'


Weekly Rites7

By: mtian

I took this video in Mann hall. I was trying to think about the movement as a chicken.


Taber, Smith, Kirby, Prescott, Price

By: zmtaber

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video


Weekly Rites # 10 Benny Nduwayo

By: bnduwayo

This is my favorite weekly rite because of the way it came out. I appear almost like a shadow and that makes my movements look cool. It is important to note that it was not my intention for the video to come out like this.


What About All of Those Supporting Documents?

By: ktoksu

The supporting documents in a grant proposal can enhance or detract from the "whole package." In this video, OVPR Grant Proposal Manager Jeralyn Haraldsen, Ph.D., describes best practices for preparing supporting documents. Typical supporting docu...


Maguire, Havelock, Qian, Brock

By: dqian2

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video


Ashkinaze, Flemming, McConvay, Guo, Li

By: jashkina

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video


Weekly Rides 10

By: mtian

I was taking video for my other dance project. It is so hard to play with shadow and find a suitable angle to make a beautiful picture.


2018 Instructor Welcome (Bob Wildin)

By: rwildin

Instructor's Welcome Video Spring 2018 GRNS325 PATH325 "Genetics for Clinicians" by Bob Wildin, M.D.


Public Health Video

By: epfranke

Public Health digital story for Issues in Contemporary Public Health