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Results for: 'Yoga and Mindfullness'
For this weekly rites, I didn't really have too much in mind for what I wanted to do; just that I wanted to go outside and see what was out there. It was a very windy Wednesday, so that ended up being what I focused on quite a bit; both in the th...
For this weekly rites, I didn't have any particular expectations in mind. At the time I was feeling rather tired and cold; which is probably why I tended to go for slow movements and keeping my limbs close to my core. One thing I found a little ...
During this weekly rites, I found myself spending a lot of time focusing on me. I was looking at myself seeing how my body moved; and I thought wouldn't it be great if the camera could see this. And so I figured I'd give the head mount a try.
Weekly Rites #7 - Zoey November
This week, I decided to take inspiration from a new source - a chemistry lecture! I had a lot of fun with it. Sometimes I tried to express very literally what the lecturer was explaining, and other times I simply allowed the auditory input to info...
Adventures in piano-ing part 2. I made this video pretty similar to my previous piano video: a clip of set rehearsed music, and some improvisation. I tried to be more lenient in my editing of the improvisation. In the first video, I was very wo...
Study-abroad course: France and the resistance movement in the Vercors region
Study-abroad course: France and the resistance movement in the Vercors region
Made it to week 10! Since my last few videos have been on the longer side, I wanted to try making something shorter. I was thinking about the body mapping we had done in class, and started feeling my collar bone. I liked playing with the speed ...
Weekly Rites # 8 Benny Nduwayo
In this Weekly Rite I was attempting to try new moves out once again. However, this time the music is different. Instead of African and Dance Hall, It is Rhythm and Blues.
Navigating the Grant Submission Process at UVM
OVPR Grant Proposal Manager Jeralyn Haraldsen, Ph.D., provides an overview of the pre-award aspects of the grant lifecycle, including: roles and responsibilities; resources available at UVM; and the timeframe of the UVM internal approval process.