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Results for: 'cat'


Using a new tool: Forest Impacts of Climate Change: Monitoring Indicators

By: vmc

This was presented by Pia Ruisi-Besares. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to


Saddled Prominent

By: uvmext

Maple trees managed for sap production remain part of a forest ecosystem. Forest ecosystems are complex communities of plants, animals and microbes all interacting with their physical environment and climate. Forests are especially competitive env...


2020 Season Start

By: uvmext

Reports of above average syrup production have been common across Vermont in 2020. Sugar makers report excellent quality syrup being produced throughout the season. In general, March was slightly above average for temperature and April was below a...


Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filtering

By: uvmext

Just as the sugars found in sap become concentrated during boiling, so too are the naturally occurring minerals found in sap. As the concentration of minerals increases in the sap, it approaches, then exceeds the point of saturation. When that hap...


Vacuum and Sap Minerals

By: uvmext

A modern maple operation relies on a tubing system with vacuum to maximize sap production. The innovation of plastic tubing originally came as a labor-saving device and not to increase sap yield from individual trees. As the materials used to prod...


Vacuum and Wounding

By: uvmext

A modern maple operation relies on a tubing system with vacuum to maximize sap production. The innovation of plastic tubing originally came as a labor-saving device and not to increase sap yield from individual trees. As the materials used to prod...



By: uvmext

Pear thrips is a species of insect that while native to Europe and Eurasia has been present in the United States for over 100 years. This insect is slender and brown as an adult and just over one mm long with delicately fringed wings. Thrips were ...


Syrup Color

By: uvmext

In Vermont, Grade A maple syrup is divided into four distinct color classes. Those classes are Golden, Amber, Dark and Very Dark. The lightest grade of syrup, Golden, has the most delicate flavor. A lot of the time it will be made at the beginning...


Sugarbush Value

By: uvmext

The recent period of expansion in the maple industry has seen both established operations grow and many new operations start from scratch. Some real estate listings of land include estimated potential taps. But how many of those taps are actually ...