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Results for: 'ILL'


Measuring Syrup Density

By: uvmext

Most people know that to make maple syrup you have to do a lot of boiling. You collect the sap from the trees and you evaporator the water while concentrating the sugars. You might not know that to determine if you actually have correct density sy...


Maple Seeds

By: uvmext

Sugar maple flowers that are fertilized in spring, will develop into mature seeds in late summer. The seeds come in the form of winged samaras (sometimes referred to as helicopters or whirligigs). Sugar maple samaras develop in pairs but generally...


Maple Laws

By: uvmext

The law is very clear on what can be sold as pure maple syrup; only "the liquid derived by concentration and heat treatment of the sap of the maple tree". No processing that "adds or removes naturally occurring soluble materials" is allowed. This ...


Maple Color Grades

By: uvmext

There are four grades of pure maple syrup; Golden Color/Delicate Taste, Amber Color/Rich Taste, Dark Color/Robust Taste and Very Dark Color/Strong Taste. Each grade has a range in color as defined by its light transmittance. Knowing the color of p...


Late Season Defoliators

By: uvmext

As late summer progresses so-called late-season defoliators are beginning to become visible in Vermont woods. Two such insects are maple leaf cutter and maple trumpet skeletonizer. The first report of damage from maple leaf cutter was in 1911 when...



By: uvmext

The Vermont maple law requires packaged maple syrup have a density of between 66.9 and 68.9 degrees Brix. Brix is a measure of sugar concentration in a pure sugar solution. Although we know there are other many dissolved minerals in maple syrup th...



By: uvmext

Processing sap with heat in the evaporator is essential. The reactions responsible for the development of maple syrup's characteristic color and flavors require heat to proceed. Syrup produced by methods with little or no heating, such as freeze-d...


Forest Tent Caterpillars Update

By: uvmext

It appears as though the recent widespread defoliation event related to forest tent caterpillar has ended. According to the Vermont Department of Forest Parks and Recreation, there have been no reports of defoliation attributed to this native inse...


Fall Color

By: uvmext

Autumn colors in leaves of maple trees is an annual phenomenon that is highly prized for its beauty and is also economically important. As day length shortens, the tree stops making new green chlorophyll pigment while the chlorophyll already in th...