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Results for: 'special education'


End-of-life Choices in Vermont

By: 92csicca

Discuss the continuum of care at end of life with a special focus on Act 39, Vermont’s Death with Dignity law. We will review other care options including unwanted medical treatment, inappropriate medical treatment, voluntary stopping of eating ...


Continence Visual Supports

By: jnauheim

This video reviews easy to make visual supports families can use during toileting and instructions on how to make them. The Continence Project believes the mastery of toileting skills promotes inclusion at home, school, and in the community. We be...


Intro to Emotional & Behavioral Disorders

By: ctownshe

Intro to Emotional & Behavioral Disorders


Field Education - Beginnings and Endings

By: socwork

Beginnings and Endings - Field Education Training Video


Field Education - Drugs and Alcohol

By: socwork

Field Education Training Video - Drugs and Alcohol


Field Education - Emotional Struggles

By: socwork

Field Education - Emotional Struggles Training Video


Field Education - Evaluating and Grading Students

By: socwork

Field Education - Evaluating and Grading Students Training Video