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Results for: 'sentental logic'

connectives and truth value calculation PHIL013AB
A nine-minute video on the connectives we will use in statement logic, and how to calculate truth-values with those connectives.

MU 060 Logic MIIDI sequencing (1 of 2)
Introduction to MIDI seqeuncing project, reviewing the nature of MIDI and MIDI messages

categorical translations PHIL013AB
A video on the four basic forms of categorical translations: All, some, no, not all/some not.

A video about translating categorical sentences that have complex subjects or predicates.

only and categorical compounds
A video on how to translate categorical statements with "only" in them, and compounds of categorical statements.

predicate proofs existential out PHIL013AB
A video on how to use the rule EO (existential out) in proofs in predicate logic.