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Results for: 'lecture series'

RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Dr. Mysha Clarke
For the second installment of the 2020 RSENR Fall Seminar Series featuring early career researchers, Dr. Mysha Clarke gave a presentation entitled "Using protection motivation theory to understand invasive plant management on family forestlands".

RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Jessica Cole
Jessica Cole, Ph.D. Candidate in the UVM Biology Department shares insights to her research in the third installment of the RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Learning from Early Career Researchers. Cole's talk is entitled: Investigating the Potential Tra...

UVM Lane Series interview with Ariel SQ
Interview with string quartet playing Friday, 11/4/22 at UVM Recital Hall

Regeneration Response to Salvage Logging Following Tornado Disturbance
This was presented by Colby Bosley-Smith as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Understanding the influence ...

University Scholar Lecture Series - Asim Zia, Ph.D.
University Scholar, Asim Zia, Ph.D., Lecture recording.

Peter Agre: Opening Doors Worldwide Through Medical Science
Dan and Carole Burack President's Distinguished Lecture Series

Third lecture in series on hunter-gatherers, focusing on the long transition to farming.

Here I wanted to play with the unique opportunity film creates for movement sequences. If I were to perform the series of movements presented here for an actual audience I would not be able to achieve the same effect. Film and editing allows for r...