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Results for: 'contamination'

Although bucket spouts are still available, most spouts used in the maple industry currently are plastic and designed to be used with vacuum. Spouts are constructed of food-grade nylon or polycarbonate and are smaller in size (5/16" diameter) than...

UVM Geology Seminar - Keith Klepeis - 11/16/2020
PFAS groundwater contamination near Rutland, Vermont: how to communicate geological research to the public and other non-scientist stake-holders

Doug Johnstone, Ag Resource Management Specialist IV for the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, explains the agency's role in herbicide use in VT. He covers regulatory– understanding how they track herbicide use, monitoring for ground and surface wat...

Community Science as a Tool for Understanding Mercury Contamination at Local and National Scales
This was a contributed talk by Celia Chen as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.