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Results for: 'Week 1'


CS2240 OL Week 09 Introduction

By: cbcafier

CS2240 OL Week 09 Introduction


CS2240 Week 10 Introduction

By: cbcafier

CS2240 Week 10 Introduction


CS 2240 Week 11 Introduction

By: cbcafier

CS 2240 Week 11 Introduction


Week 13 Introduction

By: cbcafier

CS 2240 Week 13 Introduction


CS 2240 Week 14 Introduction

By: cbcafier

CS 2240 Week 14 Introduction


End-of-life Choices in Vermont

By: 92csicca

Discuss the continuum of care at end of life with a special focus on Act 39, Vermont’s Death with Dignity law. We will review other care options including unwanted medical treatment, inappropriate medical treatment, voluntary stopping of eating ...


Contemporary IV Weekly Rites 1

By: jpowers2

This is my first video this semester, and I just played around with different spaces in Mann Hall as well as I was exploring different contrasting and similar sounds that went along with my movement for this week.


Kristen Sykes Discusses Beer Ingredients with Mike Schilling of Beerology

By: distance

BCB Fundamentals Week 3: Kristen Sykes Discusses Beer Ingredients with Mike Schilling of Beerology


Creating an Open Access Impact Within and Beyond the University

By: schwrks

A growing movement is using tools such as open access journals and repositories to transform scholarly communications on a global scale. Open access refers to literature and published research results that are made available online without access ...