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Results for: 'Round Pen Video'


SG-FECC Optional Coaches Meeting 1-4-21

By: tichitte

This is a 60 minute discussion going over the schedule, format and details of Round II of the 2021 SG-FECC.


vSG-FECC 2021 Advancing Teams

By: ndesmara

Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition announcement on teams that will be advancing to the final round


Weekly Rites #9 Briana Leger

By: bleger

Adventures in piano-ing part 2. I made this video pretty similar to my previous piano video: a clip of set rehearsed music, and some improvisation. I tried to be more lenient in my editing of the improvisation. In the first video, I was very wo...


Embed streaming video in blog post

By: waw

Silent movie illustrating steps to embed a video from this server in a blog post on


PHYS021: Term Project - Raw Video

By: jspiegle

This upload contains the raw video used for my analysis of position. velocity, and acceleration data. This is the final take for my term project. The slow-motion section was filmed at 240 fps in HD. The rest of the video is filmed at 120 fps in HD...


PHYS011Lab: Video

By: mmzielin

This is the video for the video analysis portion for the final project


Build Your Own Value System in Your College Life

By: xzhang1

I stated that, in this video, the most important thing in college is to build your own value system. And also, this video is my reflection of Pinker's article, Deresiewics's article and Buton's video.


video log1

By: qge

video log1


video log1

By: hchen16

video log1