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Results for: 'PHIL013'

connectives and truth value calculation PHIL013AB
A nine-minute video on the connectives we will use in statement logic, and how to calculate truth-values with those connectives.

truth table calculation PHIL 013AB
An eight-minute video about how to calculate a truth table for a complex statement.

truth table applications PHIL 013AB
An eleven-minute video on the things you can do with truth-tables. Covers tautology/contradiction/contingent, implication and equivalence, and argument validity.

complex translations PHIL013AB
A four-minute video on how to do complex translations involving more than two subsentences.

Introduction to proofs PHIL 013AB
A video on what proofs are, which explains the concept of simple derivation, and how to do proofs with one proof rule, Modus Ponens.

proofs vI double negation double arrow PHIL013AB
A video on proof rules for wedge in, double negation, and double arrows. NOTE: if you're using captions, there is a possibility that the software may be displaying double arrows in the captions as single arrows. I wrote [double arrow] in the capti...

conditional derivation proofs PHIL 013AB
A nine-minute video about conditional derivation, a new kind of rule. Listen closely for a special appearance from a duck. (Edited to add: the squeaking thing is actually a raccoon)

negation proof rules PHIL013AB
A video on rules for proofs with complex negations, like ~(P & Q), ~(P v Q), and ~(P -> Q).