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Results for: 'Ornette Coleman's Free Jazz'
This video walks you through the steps of creating a banner image using the free web tool
Technological Sound Bite: Flipgrid Overview
Flipgrid, a video-based, asynchronous discussion tool, is available for free as part of UVM's Microsoft Office 365 suite. Instructors set up prompts and parameters for student videos (including length limits of 15sec to 10min). Students respond to...
Access to a sugarbush is critical for installing and repairing sap collection equipment, tapping and managing crop trees and responding to the effects of natural disturbances. Quality access to the sugarbush relies and a road and trail system that...
Maple sap, what's in it? Maple sap is a dilute solution of mainly water (95-99%) and sugar (1-5%), along with trace amounts of other substances, including: organic acids, free amino acids, protein, minerals, and phenolic compounds. Sap coming dire...
CS125 - Context Free Languages
This video is a supplement for students who are reading "Introduction To The Theory Of Computation" by Michael Sipser. I took the liberty of using the terminology from the textbook
Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 12's poster identifying adaptations to school meal distributions in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Urban Tree Inventory Tools and the Road to Healthy Tree Canopy Cover
This was presented by Joanne Garton as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Updates to the Vermont Municipal ...