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Results for: 'Course Name'


EE001 Final Project - Motion Detector for Lights

By: jsaunder

My final lab project for EE001 - a circuit to allow a lightbulb to be turned on by a pair of switches or a motion detector. TinkerCad link: Yes, I know the "void" in void setu...


The One About Alcohol

By: efpope

Is alcohol a health food? What does it do to your brain and how do we metabolize it? Can you be as cool as Prof. Lizzy if you don't drink it? All of these questions and more answered during a round of Never Have I Ever. Intro - 0:21 Lizzy's...


UVM Faculty Panel: Teaching in Tumultuous Times (Oct 28,2020)

By: ctl

This year, we've faced—and continue to face—events that have a great effect on all of us: the upcoming election, the pandemic, racialized police violence, social justice protests, and the Supreme Court transition, to name just a few. For facul...


DD, and-I, and and-O proofs

By: mcweiner

A video about three proof rules, now updated with a new file name.


OLLI Course Orientation

By: 92csicca

OLLI Course Orientation


Ling80 Course Introduction

By: kvatz

Course Introduction to Ling80


Cannabis Science and Medicine Course Orientation

By: 92csicca

Course orientation for the Cannabis Science and Medicine program.


Study-abroad course: France and the resistance movement in the Vercors region

By: rmarti14

Study-abroad course: France and the resistance movement in the Vercors region


Katherine Elmer Introduction (ENVS195OL3-PBHM2020)

By: bmunach

Welcome to the Plant-Based Healing Medicine course! I'll be your instructor, Katherine Elmer, and I am really looking forward to learning and working with you over the 6 week course. Here's a little bit more about me before we dive in!