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Results for: 'Spring 2020'


College Life in a Pandemic - Final Presentations

By: mcope

Two final group presentations from Dec. 11, 2020 by students in GEOG186/GSWS195 "Qualitative Research Methods". The projects were part of the Civic Learning element of the course. One group examined "Experiencing and Enacting College Life in a Pan...


Food Insecurity in the COVID-19 Era

By: sgkendri

Analysis of Vermonters' perceptions surrounding food security during COVID-19 as measured by a survey distributed by VT United Way agencies in October 2020.


Feuer Art as Disaster Recovery

By: aifeuer

Ava Feuer's final research project for Fall 2020 HCOL185 seminar on hurricane Katrina.


Active Learning in Remote Synchronous Classes

By: ctl

Remote synchronous teaching and learning is here to stay, for at least one more semester. In this session, we’ll use a holistic view of active learning* to frame student engagement and promote deep learning. You’ll be asked to identify at least on...


UWC Senior Reflections 2020

By: writectr

In this captioned video, graduating Seniors reflect on what they gained during their time as writing tutors in the Undergraduate Writing Center at UVM.