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Results for: 'fall 2020'

UVM Geology Seminar Series - 10/12/2020 - Andrew Christ
Fossils frozen beneath a mile ice: new insights from the first Greenland ice core

UVM Geology Seminar Series - 10/19/2020 - Julia Perdrial
Big picture or detail? Integrative Earth Science Research and the value of both

University Scholar Lecture - Gregory L. Holmes
University Scholar lecture delivered by Gregory L. Holmes, M.D., Chair, Department of Neurological Sciences and Professor of Neurological Sciences and Pediatrics as part of the 2020-2021 University Scholar Lecture Series.

Brahms String Sextet - UVM Chamber Music 2020
November 21st, performance of Brahms' String Sextet, Op.18, No.1 in B-flat major in UVM's Recital Hall. Performers: Cameron Clark, Zachary Acosta, Nolan Rogers, Leo Pancic, Sam Koskinen, Isabelle Petrucci.

College Life in a Pandemic - Final Presentations
Two final group presentations from Dec. 11, 2020 by students in GEOG186/GSWS195 "Qualitative Research Methods". The projects were part of the Civic Learning element of the course. One group examined "Experiencing and Enacting College Life in a Pan...

Food Insecurity in the COVID-19 Era
Analysis of Vermonters' perceptions surrounding food security during COVID-19 as measured by a survey distributed by VT United Way agencies in October 2020.

In this captioned video, graduating Seniors reflect on what they gained during their time as writing tutors in the Undergraduate Writing Center at UVM.