Search Results

Results for: 'Writing Center'


Finding and Saving a Job or Internship on Handshake

By: career

This 3-minute video explains how to find and save a job or internship on Handshake.


Career Boost Resumes & Cover Letters Workshop Jan. 2024

By: career

This workshop covers resumes and cover letters


Career Boost Networking and LinkedIn Jan 2024

By: career

This workshop covers networking strategies and best practices for LinkedIn.


Career Boost - Interviewing and Salary Negotiation Jan. 2024

By: career

This workshop covers Interviewing and Salary Negotiation.


Career Boost - Job Search Strategies Jan. 2024

By: career

This workshop covers Job Search Strategies.


2024 Career Champion Nominees

By: career

Check out what folks are saying about UVM Career Champion nominees!