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Results for: 'MS'

WFB 224 Intro to systems thinking lab
This is a LOOPY narrated video describing the major parts of the Grant and Grant 1993 paper assigned for the first lab of WFB 224.

Chapter 2 Introduction to Contamination and How Food Becomes Contaminated
Introduction to biological, chemical and physical contamination. Includes examples of how each can occur. Ends with discussion of symptoms associated with food borne illness.

Chap 2 Viruses Parasites and Fungi
Discussion of general characteristics of each. Special discussion of both Hepatitis A and Norovirus. Parasites includes mention of worms and importance of knowing that fish to be served raw or undercooked must be frozen first to kill worms. Trichi...

Chapt. 2 Plant Toxins, Mushrooms and Seafood Toxins
The video identifies plant and seafood related biological toxins. These include poisonous mushrooms, honey from mountain laurel, Raw Fava Beans as well as Scombroid poisoning (histamine), Ciguatera poisoning as well as red tide in shellfish and sy...

Food Allergens Identified and Control Measures for the Restaurant
This video identifies the symptoms of an allergic response as well as the 8 major food allergens. Measures to control cross-contact with allergenic foods is discussed with special emphasis on what the server can do as well as what chefs can do to ...

Proper Hand Washing and Hand Care
This video discusses how to wash hands, when to wash hands and what other items need to be addressed when thinking of your hands.

Personal Hygiene and Work Attire
This video discusses personal hygiene, hair nets, uniforms and other items of interest when working in the food service industry.