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Results for: 'Dummy variables video lecture'


Introducing the Undergraduate Writing Center!

By: writectr

A captioned video describing UVM's Undergraduate Writing Center. Learn about how working with a peer writing tutor can benefit all writers, at all stages, in all disciplines!


UWC Senior Reflections 2020

By: writectr

In this captioned video, graduating Seniors reflect on what they gained during their time as writing tutors in the Undergraduate Writing Center at UVM.


How to Set Up an iPad in Kiosk Mode

By: choman

An iPad in "kiosk mode" can be set up to show one or more videos on an unending loop. This is perfect for when you want something interesting at your conference table that showcases what your organization does. This is a quick how-to video show...


BME 152 Group I Pitch Video

By: gkreuser

Creating an Internal Power Supply for the Cardiothoracic Cavity​


Lens Distortion Procedure for Kinovea

By: lsavard

This video demonstrates the steps to correct the lens distorsion to make measurements with Kinovea


Designing Presentations: Posters (Pt 1)

By: gradwc

Captioned. Part one of Designing Presentations. This video covers designing posters.


Designing Presentations: PowerPoints (Pt 2)

By: gradwc

Captioned Video. Part 2 of Designing Presentations focuses on PowerPoints.


How to Use WCOnline for Online Tutoring Sessions

By: gradwc

This captioned video explores how to log into and participate in an online tutoring session.


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Mentor Texts (Pt 3)

By: gradwc

This video is captioned. In part three of our three-part series, we will go over how to use a mentor text as an example for how to structure your own work.