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Results for: 'pH'
Raven Baxter Keynote at the 2020 CMB/NGP Retreat
Raven Baxter, PhD, Nationally Acclaimed Science Communicator & Molecular Biologist presents: “Self-Advocacy and Resiliency in your STEM Journey†to the CMB/NGP community on August 26, 2020.
A short (approx. 4 minutes) introduction to what logic is and what we'll be covering this semester.
An eight-minute screencast on the concept of validity and other basic concepts in logic.
connectives and truth value calculation PHIL013AB
A nine-minute video on the connectives we will use in statement logic, and how to calculate truth-values with those connectives.
PRNU 110 Research Tips, Part 3: Searching for Biographical Information
In this video, we will explore how to search a biography database as well as how to search for biographical information in CatQuest.
conditional truth table PHIL013AB
A five-minute video explaining why the truth table for the conditional is the way it is.