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Results for: 'truth-values'

connectives and truth value calculation PHIL013AB
A nine-minute video on the connectives we will use in statement logic, and how to calculate truth-values with those connectives.

conditional truth table PHIL013AB
A five-minute video explaining why the truth table for the conditional is the way it is.

truth table calculation PHIL 013AB
An eight-minute video about how to calculate a truth table for a complex statement.

truth table applications PHIL 013AB
An eleven-minute video on the things you can do with truth-tables. Covers tautology/contradiction/contingent, implication and equivalence, and argument validity.

Dictionaries: Adding keys, deleting keys, modifying values
Dictionaries: Adding keys, deleting keys, modifying values

Group 10 Podcast - Infact Nutrition Myths
In our podcast, we explore the prevalent fear-mongering that exists surrounding infant feeding practices. We investigate the ways marketing tactics capitalize on parental anxieties, pushing them toward an idealized, black-and-white perception of b...

End-of-life Choices in Vermont and Advanced Directives
Completing your advance care directive can be complicated. We’ll explore the values tool kit as well as various options available and will help you complete your advance directive. Class will include discussion about how to have “the conversat...

Professor Shelton discusses the macrosystem beliefs and values underlying several current social issues, including racism, police reform, universal health care, and opioid misuse.

HCOL 185 Final Project: Organ Transactions & Repugnant Markets
Presentation regarding organ transactions and the influence of individual values on repugnant markets.