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Results for: 'sentential logic'


sentential translations 1 PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A video on how to translate sentences from English to our notation using the five main connectives


sentential translations 1 PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A ten-and-a-half-minute video about how to do translations in sentential logic, using the basic connectives and phrases like "neither" and "unless."


PHIL 013A/B: What is Logic?

By: mcweiner

A short (approx. 4 minutes) introduction to what logic is and what we'll be covering this semester.


MU 060 Logic intro

By: dfeurzei

Overview of Logic Pro X


MU 060 Logic Project 1: Magnetic Poetry

By: dfeurzei

Logic project #1 instructions


predicates and constants PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A short video on predicate logic, introducing constants and predicate letters.


MU 060 Arranging Project (2 of 2: Logic)

By: dfeurzei

Editing Software Instrument parameters in Logic


introduction to relational translations PHIL013

By: mcweiner

An introduction to relational logic, with an explanation of relations and how to translate relational sentences with no quantifiers or one quantifier.


quantifiers and variables PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

Screencast on introduction to quantifiers and variables.