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Results for: 'professional'

This was presented by Mitchell O'Neill as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Invasive insects like spotted ...

Networking and Building Your Online Professional Presence
This 9 minute video covered the essential of building and tending to your personal brand online. It will help students: 1) Understand the impact of their online presence: what potential employers are looking for / concerned about 2) Know wh...

Professional Practice Tool: Osteoarthritis
Video of professional practice tool for diet and disease.

UVM Faculty Panel: Teaching in Tumultuous Times (Oct 28,2020)
This year, we've faced—and continue to face—events that have a great effect on all of us: the upcoming election, the pandemic, racialized police violence, social justice protests, and the Supreme Court transition, to name just a few. For facul...