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Results for: 'film studies'

The Baby's Dinner: Lumieres Remake
This is my remake of The Lumiere Brothers' film "The Baby's Meal" from 1895. This project was done for Classical Cinema with Professor Sean Witters. The film stars Abbie Kopelowitz and Meghan Hessler and was directed by Sophie Wolfe. The film also...

Postwar Masculinity in Mad Men
In which I discuss the role of masculinity in the television series Mad Men.

Lawrence Shelton Welcomes Students to HDFS
Lawrence Shelton welcomes new students to the Human Development and Family Studies program at UVM, and introduces himself.

Here I wanted to play with the unique opportunity film creates for movement sequences. If I were to perform the series of movements presented here for an actual audience I would not be able to achieve the same effect. Film and editing allows for r...

Aleah, Tyler, Jill - S2016 Projection
My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...

Maddie, Elise, Lindsay, Patrick S2016 Projection
My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...

Katherine, Peter, Sophia S2016 Projection
My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...

Adam, Jon, Jen, Lake S2016 Projection
My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...