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Results for: 'direct derivation'

conditional derivation proofs PHIL 013AB
A nine-minute video about conditional derivation, a new kind of rule. Listen closely for a special appearance from a duck. (Edited to add: the squeaking thing is actually a raccoon)

conditional derivation proofs PHIL 013C
A nine-minute video about conditional derivation, a new kind of rule. Listen closely for a special appearance from a squeaky raccoon.

A video about doing proofs, introducing how to do direct derivations, and the &I and &O rules.

universal derivation PHIL013AB
A video on the Universal Derivation rule for predicate proofs, a rule for doing proofs where the SHOW line begins with Ax.

Direct Sales, eCommerce & Agritourism for Vermont Farms (webinar)
As essential businesses, how are farms adapting to the evolving COVID-19 situation with no-contact direct sales, restaurant closures, and farmers markets in flux? Vermont is fortunate to have creative farmers leading the way. In this conversation...

Accepting SNAP/EBT as a Direct Market Farm Webinar 4/21/20
Join us online or by phone for a conversation with Emmet Moseley and Jennie Porter from NOFA-VT to learn how direct market farms can get authorized to accept SNAP/3SquaresVT benefits (formerly known as food stamps) and obtain EBT processing equipm...

Accepting SNAP/EBT as a Direct Market Farm Audio from 4/21/20 Webinar
A conversation with Emmet Moseley and Jennie Porter from NOFA-VT about how direct market farms can get authorized to accept SNAP/3SquaresVT benefits (formerly known as food stamps) and obtain EBT processing equipment. With the temporary closure of...

This was presented by Mitchell O'Neill as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Invasive insects like spotted ...