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Results for: 'UVM Graduate Faculty Development'

UVM Faculty Panel: Teaching in Tumultuous Times (Oct 28,2020)
This year, we've faced—and continue to face—events that have a great effect on all of us: the upcoming election, the pandemic, racialized police violence, social justice protests, and the Supreme Court transition, to name just a few. For facul...

Welcome to the UVM Graduate Writing Center, Fall 2021
Learn about what the Graduate Writing Center offers UVM graduate students and how to make an appointment.

Held on February, 1, 2022 at UVM this introductory seminar was designed to introduce evidence-based approaches, including the NAS Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM report, to broaden participation of culturally diverse groups in STEMM field...

Welcome to New Faculty from the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
Welcome to new faculty from the Vice President for Research, Richard Galbraith, MD PhD.

Faculty Focus: Jenn Karson on Maker Spaces on Campus
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learning Community Faculty member Jenn Karson, director of the Engineering "FabLab" and faculty member in Studio Art gives an overview of on campus and local maker spaces.

Faculty/Staff: Join an Interest Group through Handshake
Steps outline how faculty & staff can connect to Career Interest Groups through a student Handshake Profile - enabling them to "see what students see" when they take advantage of these career resources.

Sharing Stories: Faculty Reflections on Teaching in Fall 2020
Join us for a storytelling session that fosters creative reflection and builds community among tellers and listeners! CTL faculty associates have been experimenting with a structured writing process to create their “teaching in Fall 2020 story.â...

Designing for Learning faculty interviews
Interviews with faculty who participated in the CTL and WID sponsored program Designing for Learning.

Faculty Panel: Civic Learning (CL) as a Creative Adaptation to COVID
Three faculty members discuss their recent Civic Learning (CL) courses, as a response to teaching in the pandemic, exploring challenges and surprising benefits for themselves and their students.