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Results for: 'NFS'

Introduction to Hybrid Portion of BCF 53
Here is a brief introduction to help you navigate the hybrid portion of NFS 53.

Is alcohol a health food? What does it do to your brain and how do we metabolize it? Can you be as cool as Prof. Lizzy if you don't drink it? All of these questions and more answered during a round of Never Have I Ever. Intro - 0:21 Lizzy's...

The One About Fat Soluble Vitamins
In this video we talk about the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K! Check out what makes each one special, and in what foods or other sources you can find them. Fat vs. Water Soluble Vitamins - 0:56 Vitamin Functions - 2:01 Vitamin A - 2:5...

The One About Water-Soluble Vitamins
Today we talk about the water-soluble vitamins, vitamins B and C! What makes them special, how are they helpful to our bodies, where can you find them? We talk it all through with some Beyoncé tie-ins in this video! Vitamin C -1:34 The B Vi...

University of Vermont MS in Dietetics Open House - October 12
In this 1-hour live virtual open house, you will meet the UVM MSD Program Director and recent program graduates. Join us to learn about the MSD community focus on practice through the lens of a sustainable food system, graduate courses to fulfill ...