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Results for: 'Coriolis Effect'
Sound (Teaching) Bite: Harnessing the Testing Effect for Learning (10/21/2019)
Jen Garrett-Ostermiller shares research from four experiments which document how to leverage test-enhancing learning for increased student retention of information, along with suggestions for incorporating retrieval practice into the classroom.
Regeneration Response to Salvage Logging Following Tornado Disturbance
This was presented by Colby Bosley-Smith as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Understanding the influence ...
Here I wanted to play with the unique opportunity film creates for movement sequences. If I were to perform the series of movements presented here for an actual audience I would not be able to achieve the same effect. Film and editing allows for r...
A look into the association of maternal obesity and race to gestational weight gain and infant birth weight outcomes using PRAMS 2016-2017 (phase 8) dataset.
Ali Belash Religion and Resilience
The Effects of Adversity on the Brain Does religion have an effect on resilience?
Discussion of Prohibition including organizations, WW I as well as the effect that income tax had.
Gardeners know that earthworms can be beneficial for growing vegetables and flowers by helping with soil aeration and producing fertilizer through their castings. Sugar makers may not know that earthworms and relatively newer invaders the so-calle...