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Results for: 'All grain'

Three Methods of Beer Production
This video shows the steps for the three different methods of making beer.

All that love all those mistakes. I go to school in Vermont. Wing. Davis. Wilks. I live in a dorm that I hate with a human being I love. Coolidge. I am miserable at... 500 So. Prospect Apt. 4-24. These are the front steps to my hom...

Late summer, while leaves are still green is a good time to assess the trees in your sugarbush. Weak or declining individuals will show areas of crown dieback. Trees with more than 75% dieback will likely not survive but are still competing for li...

Vermont produces more maple syrup than any US state. According to statistics from the USDA, Vermont made over 2.2 million gallons of syrup in 2020. The crop is made by sugar makers with operations of all sizes. The average size of operation in Ver...

Introducing the Undergraduate Writing Center!
A captioned video describing UVM's Undergraduate Writing Center. Learn about how working with a peer writing tutor can benefit all writers, at all stages, in all disciplines!

Introducing the Undergraduate Writing Center!
A captioned video describing UVM's Undergraduate Writing Center. Learn about how working with a peer writing tutor can benefit all writers, at all stages, in all disciplines!

New York Times (All Digital Access) - Claim Your Account
Short guide to claiming a UVM sponsored subscription to The New York Times website. All current UVM students, staff, and faculty are eligible for an account.

The One About Water-Soluble Vitamins
Today we talk about the water-soluble vitamins, vitamins B and C! What makes them special, how are they helpful to our bodies, where can you find them? We talk it all through with some Beyoncé tie-ins in this video! Vitamin C -1:34 The B Vi...